- 1873 -


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Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Model and Hope of Christian hearts,

prostrate before You who are confined in the Divine Sacrament of the Eucharist,

I adore You profoundly.

You invite us all with your gentle voice to come to You in our distress and tribulations, promising us refreshment and tranquillity.

You call us to imitate Your Gentleness and Humility.

You open up a sure escape for us from all our enemies.

You offer us a fire of Love to consume all our imperfections and to melt our hearts so hard and frozen.

See, O Blessed Jesus, we come to You, accepting Your invitations.

We promise to study Your admirable examples and ask You for refuge from our enemies, and for the flame of you Holy Love.

I, Your most unworthy servant, interpreting the sentiments and the vows of all of my dear Confreres, offer and consecrate them all together and each individually, along with myself, so that You may protect us, console us, sanctify us, make us Yours and never allow any of us to separate and depart from You.  Indeed, may this Congregation which consecrates and dedicates itself entirely to You be Your special possession.

May external enemies not damage it, nor internal competitiveness, passions or animosities divide it.

Make us all one Heart and one Soul with You.

Bless, O Good Jesus, all our Houses and all our Priests, Clerics and Coadjutor Brothers.

Imprint your Spirit in all, fill them all with Your Graces, prepare us all with Your Love for eternal glory.

Father, hide us in the Heart of Jesus, so that we may benefit from the gift of fruitful grace and in the end receive heavenly rewards.


Prayer prepared by the Rector Major Stefano Rossi and recited by the Oblates of the Virgin Mary

on June 20, 1873 when “our poor, small and beloved Congregation” was consecrated “to the adorable Heart of Jesus.”

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